Reach over 30k job seekers from Finland

Post your open jobs to Sumpli mobile app for free

Post a job for free

Reach over 30.000 jobseekers in Finland

Create job ads with only a few clicks and publish them to Sumpli app. Your ads are immediately matched with suitable profiles in the app.

Manage applications and candidates with Sumpli app

All applicant profiles are powered with smart, standardized profile, not messy attachments. Easy to use and does not require any software or integrations with your websites.

Go solo or hire our agent.

Sumpli marketplace is free for companies to use. For added visibility and ease, hire our specialist to boost your sourcing and interview process.

How it works?

Register an account

Register and create a brand / company profile here.

Post a job

Create a new job post and select job category. We match your ad with suitable candidates and your followers in the app.

Choose applicants

Choose interesting applicants and disregard the rest. Please note that there’s a time limit and applications expire unless you take action.