How to get started?

Ready to get hired?

1. Get the Sumpli app and login.

Download from the Apple Appstore (iPhone) or Google Play (Android) and get started. Login with your preferred method.

Get the app

2. Choose your job preferences and notifications.

Customise your feed and notifications from the top right corner icon. Choose job types that match your interests and skills.

3. Complete your profile

Add your work experience and background to your profile. Please note your profile is shown only to companies you choose to apply to.

You’re now ready to apply to jobs and teams in Sumpli.

4. Stay up to date with your calendar

Your applications and their status is visible under Calendar view in the app.

5. Add payment information for any extra work

Depending on a shift you apply we either need your taxcard information or a freelancer account / business id. The app will guide you more when you apply.

Get a freelancer account for free here and find more opportunities.